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Research Summary
The overall focus of the Human Integrative and Cardiovascular Physiology Laboratory is to investigate how aging and cardiovascular related diseases affect endothelial and vascular function and to determine how these alterations impact blood flow, exercise tolerance, and overall health. Additionally, we are interested in how alterations in oxygen availability (e.g., hypoxia and hypoperfusion) influence the regulation of blood flow to contracting skeletal muscle during exercise.
Current Areas of Research
- Mechanisms of blood flow regulation to skeletal muscle during exercise and the influence of aging and cardiovascular related diseases in altering this regulation.
- Therapeutic potential of intermittent hypoxia for acutely and chronically improving cerebral blood flow, endothelial function, and cognition in older adults.
- Inorganic nitrate supplementation as a means of increasing bioavailable nitric oxide and improving cardiovascular health in various patient populations.
- Effects of acute and chronic exercise on sympathetically mediated vasoconstriction in resting and contracting skeletal muscle.
Potential Subjects
We are always seeking volunteers to participate in our research. We study a wide age range of healthy adults, as well as certain patient populations. Financial compensation is provided. If interested in volunteering or would like more information, please call (319) 335-9808 or email

Darren P. Casey, PhD
Contact Information
Location: 1-155 Medical Education Building
Phone: 319-335-9808