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The long-term goal of our research is to maximize upper limb recovery after stroke using neural stimulation and motor activity to drive plasticity. We use transcranial magnetic stimulation to examine the neural basis of upper limb muscle coactivation patterns and changes in connectivity after neural injury. We are also developing non-invasive and painless methods to increase excitability of the cervicothoracic spine using magnetic stimulation.
- Neural Stimulation with Neuronavigation
- MagVenture MagPro X100 with MagOption transcranial magnetic stimulator
- Digitimer DS7AH constant current stimulator
- Brainsight neuronavigation system
- Polhemus FASTRAK 6DOF motion tracking system
- Electromyography
- 16 Channel Delsys Trigno wireless electromyography
- 8 channel Bortec AMT-8 electromyography
- Software: Matlab, LabVIEW, EPOCS
- Tests of upper limb impairment and function:
- Hoggan Microfet handheld dynamometer
- Jamar Grip and Pinch dynamometers
- Force transducers with custom upper limb positioning devices
- Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments
- Action Research Arm Test
- Fugl-Meyer Assessment

Stacey L. DeJong, PT, PhD
Graduate Student
Lei Zhu, BS
Lab Location
0714 John Pappa John Pavilion (JPP), UI Health Care